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I don’t like killing plants but…

I really suck at keeping them alive. I try, I honestly try, to water them as often as I remember, but I’m too lazy and forgetful to make it a habit… So what to do? I love plants inside, but have trouble keeping them alive. I’ve found two potential solutions, have a look!

1. The obvious. What I was going to write about from the beginning. Cacti (or just cactuses, but I think cacti sounds that much cooler!) and succulents.





2. This awesome, eye catching little invention by Patrick Morris, that gradually waters your plants with gravity’s help and only needs refilling once a fortnight!






2 thoughts on “I don’t like killing plants but…

  1. succulents need more water than cacti and they all die when they have wet feet, s give them pots with a hole in the bottom, sandy soil and the bottom halve of the pot should be pebbles or small crocks, have fun, you pots look awesome but I doubt they have a hole in the bottom !

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